Introducing Quick Voucher Redeem Feature

Introducing Quick Voucher Redeem Feature

1 min read
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In VaocherApp, our mission is to make the process of selling and managing gift vouchers simple and easy. Today, we are introducing a new feature to help you achieve that. It is called "Quick redeem".

Quick redeem feature can help you and your team to redeem gift vouchers even more easier by either dragging the credit bar or selecting the pre-defined amounts. Once set up, your redeem panel will look like below:

Quick redeem amounts

Quick redeem slider

How to set up

  1. Log in to your VaocherApp account
  2. Navigate to Settings -> System Preferences -> click the “Vouchers” tab

VaocherApp quick redeem settings

First of all, turn on the Quick Redeem feature by toggle the switch box to ON. After that, you have 2 options to choose from:

  1. Slider
  2. Pre-define amounts

Every change is automatically saved, so you don’t need to worry about forgetting to click the save button.

Once activated and set up, head to one of your gift voucher and try it out.

If you need help on how to redeem gift vouchers, visit How to redeem gift vouchers help doc for more info.

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