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How To Add Credit To Gift Vouchers

By default, VaocherApp enables you to add or redeem gift voucher credit with ease. To know more about how to redeem gift vouchers, click here. In this article, we will run through how you can add (or top up) credit to gift vouchers.

Steps to add credit

First of all, you need to open the voucher you want to add credit to. On your laptop, tablet or mobile:

  1. Log in to your VaocherApp account
  2. Search for voucher code:
    • in search toolbar How to search vouchers in VaocherApp
    • or using Code Scanner How to scan voucher code in VaocherApp
  3. Click on the "Add" button How to update voucher credit in VaocherApp

From here, you can:
  • enter the amount you want to redeem
  • enter some notes (this note is private and won't be showed to your customers)
How to adjust gift voucher credit

Disable ability to add credit

Ability to increase the voucher credit is good, but if you don't want that feature, you can easily turn that off by navigating to Settings → System Preferences → Gift Vouchers (or simply click here), then switch off the setting (see image below).

Turn off ability to add credit
Turn off "Add voucher credit" setting

Once that setting is turned off and saved, The "add" button will disappear when you view order details page.

Turn off add voucher credit setting
"Add" button disappeared
Note: This setting has effect on all members of your account.
That means once the setting is turned off, no one can see that "add" button or add credit anymore.