How to customise guest's emails
We understand brand awareness is important to your business, that's why you will be able to customise the messages sent to your customers, incluing purchasers and recipients.
To start customising, head to VaocherApp -> Settings -> Guest Notifications and select "Purchaser" or "Recipient"
Here is list of things you can change to suit your branding:
- Subject line
- Email body
- HTML link
- Signature
- Add dynamic content*
(*) You may want to include some contextual information with your alternative wording, such as the purchaser's name or the item they have been bought etc… For example:
to enter the purchaser's name (e.g. "John")[recipient]
to enter the recipient's name (e.g. "Marry")[item]
to enter the item bought (e.g. "$50 gift voucher")[code]
to enter the gift voucher code(s) (e.g. ABC123)
For instance:
- Input: purchaser just bought you a item
- Output: John just bought you a "$50 gift voucher"