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Inviting members to join your account


Having different team members in your account can help you to manage and keep track of things that happened in your VaocherApp account. You can set permissions to let members access your account without worrying about sensitive information.

A popular example is to have a "staff" member that only has permission to redeem vouchers. This member can log in to your VaocherApp account (using different email and password) and can only search for vouchers and redeem credits. He/She won't be able to see or make any changes to your account settings, such as your address, menu items, PDF designs, reports...

How To Send Invite

To invite new member to join your account, simply head to VaocherApp -> Settings -> Team Members.

From here, you can see all members of your account, who can do what and you will be able to revoke access at any time.

💡 To re-send an invitation to a member, visit Re-send team member invite.

How To Set Permissions

When inviting, you also can control the new member access level by choosing one of the following roles:

  • Admin - full account access (except some account owner settings such as business email, name,..)
  • Staff – can only view and redeem individual gift voucher(*)

(*) Note: Staff role won't be able to view all gift vouchers, but still can scan/search for specific gift voucher and redeem it.

If you would like to grant more access to this new member, you can explicitly set the permissions by clicking on "Show advanced settings":

To change existing member's permissions, check out this help article.